About MotorBuzz

MotorBuzz is Your Happy Place For Everything Motoring | Car Quizzes, Polls, Latest Press Releases, Videos and Lots of Automotive Fun Stuff ... Grab a Coffee, Put Your Feet Up and enjoy!

MotorBuzz proudly holds the distinguished position of being the world's foremost motoring news aggregation portal. With its unwavering commitment to delivering the latest and most relevant content to automotive enthusiasts worldwide, MotorBuzz has become the go-to destination for all things related to cars and beyond.

At MotorBuzz, our dedicated team of experienced journalists scours the vast automotive landscape to curate a diverse array of news, reviews, and articles. Whether you're seeking the latest updates on cutting-edge electric vehicles, in-depth analysis of industry trends, or captivating stories about automotive innovations, our platform has you covered.

With a finger on the pulse of the automotive world, MotorBuzz brings together insights from leading industry experts, providing readers with a comprehensive and authoritative perspective. Our team of seasoned reviewers meticulously test-drives and assesses vehicles, delivering unbiased and informative reviews that assist readers in making informed decisions.

Beyond news and reviews, MotorBuzz offers a treasure trove of engaging articles that delve into various aspects of motoring culture. From captivating stories of classic car restorations to captivating travel narratives exploring scenic driving routes, our platform celebrates the rich tapestry of the automotive world.

Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the automotive industry through MotorBuzz's comprehensive collection of press releases. From new car launches to technological advancements, readers can get their fill of the latest news and developments straight from the industry's leading manufacturers and organizations.

For those who prefer a visual experience, MotorBuzz offers a wide selection of videos that showcase thrilling car reviews, breathtaking road trips, and exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses into the world of automobiles. From supercars to classic models, these videos provide a feast for the eyes and transport viewers into the heart of automotive excitement.


With its user-friendly interface, MotorBuzz ensures easy navigation, enabling readers to explore a vast archive of captivating content. Whether you're a dedicated petrolhead or a casual automotive enthusiast, MotorBuzz is the ultimate destination to satisfy your passion for all things automotive.

Join us at MotorBuzz and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of motoring, where every turn of the wheel reveals new adventures and endless possibilities.